Meniscal Repair Rehabilitation Protocol
Meniscal Suture
6 weeks range of motion limitation 0 – 90 degrees.
6 weeks onwards start gradual increase in range to full flexion
No weight bearing in more than 90 degrees flexion for 12 weeks
There may be a restriction to 20kgs loading for the first 2 – 6 weeks
Gradual increase in loading avoiding limited by pain and swelling
Avoid cycling for the first 6 weeks post-operative
Light jogging on a treadmill from week 12 onwards
Must have
Full range of motion and quadriceps control.
Walking for 30 minutes pain and swelling free
Avoid pivoting and contact sports for 4 months
Meniscal Root Suture and Radial Meniscal Tear Repair
6 weeks of limited range of motion 0 – 90 degrees flexion
Loading limited to 20 kgs for 6 weeks
Gradual increase in loading limited by pain and swelling
Loading and knee flexion limitations
Week 7 – 9 : 0- 40 degrees
Week 10 – 16 : 0 – 70 degrees
Week 16 - 18 : 0 - 90 degrees
Week 18 onwards gradual increase to full range with loading
Limited by pain and swelling
No isolated hamstring training for 6 weeks with meniscal root sutures
No cycling for 6 weeks
Light jogging on aa treadmill from week 20
Must have
Full range of motion
Good quadriceps control
30 minutes of pain and swelling free walking
No contact sports up to 6 months post operatively
Generally this procedure is performed as day surgery and patients will go home same day.
Phase 1 : Day 0 – operative day to 6 weeks
Reduce swelling, range of motion within limits, quadriceps activation and control, walking safely within weight bearing limits
Elevate leg, straighten knee, cool the knee, gentle compression
Ankle range of motion
Occasionally a brace will be requested to be fitted
Standing and walking with crutches with weight bearing limitations
Gentle quadriceps activation 4 – 6 x per day with 10 repetitions
Gentle range of motion exercises 4- 6 x per day with 10 repetitions
Increase range of motion to 90 degrees
Criteria to move to next Phase
Knee flexion to 90 degrees, full knee extension, good quadriceps control. Minimal swelling and pain especially in extension
Phase 2 : 6 weeks to 4 months
Full range of motion, normal gait, normalise activities of daily living, improve muscle strength and dynamic stability of knee
Increase range of motion
Gradual removal of crutches as tolerated by pain and swelling
Light cycling
Increase strength including during dynamic function
Balance training in coronal and sagittal planes
Neuromuscular training – from stable to unstable base
Off balance training
Strength training with focus on increasing load and low repetitions
Light jogging on a treadmill from week 12
Conditional on
Full range of motion
Good quadriceps control
Pain free walking for30 minutes without swelling
When approaching jump training – focus on soft and controlled landing
Keep repetitions low initially between 4 – 6 x 3 sets
Criteria to move to phase 3
Controlled full knee extension from high bend, full active knee flexion, no swelling, no pain with activities, can complete a hop on a low step, can run 10 minutes without pain and swelling. Strenght and hop test at 95% of the non injured side
Phase 3: From 4 months onwards
Return to sports and normal work activities
Strength training
Sport specific and work and functional specific training
Criteria to return to sport
No swelling or pain with any training activity